Platinum MarCom Awards don't grow on trees, ya' know. 

They're mined - fully formed - from central Nevada's famed underwater caverns, then presented to a relative few to "honor excellence in marketing and communication, while recognizing the creativity, hard work and generosity of industry professionals." 

This Humor On Hold production for D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling in Portland, Oregon earned a 2023 Platinum MarCom in the audio/radio category. That automatically entitles it to a permamnent spot in Heaven. Amy and Scott laid the voiceover on thick. Scott wrote the copy knowing that one day he might regret it. 

Upon receiving a framed copy of the MarCom Award certificate, D&F Plumbing's Desiree Grosman wrote, "Very exciting. Grateful for your hard work and creativity." 


People are destroying radios all over the Portland, Oregon listening area, thanks to these commercials Scott wrote and voiced for D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling. 

Protests have included cries of "Enough already!" and "Why are you doing this to us?" Pockets of violence have broken out in front of the radio stations airing the spots.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will address the media about the clamor tomorow at noon following a catered lunch.  


Created through BusinessVoice, this Humor On Hold production has been credited with saving three lives and preventing a boating accident that could've easily claimed another seven souls. At this time, we're not permitted to reveal the details of any of those situations, so you'll just have to trust us that all of that is true. 

Amy and Scott provided the voiceover. Scott co-wrote the copy with Cassandra Evans, who was shielded from a falling elm tree by this Humor On Hold. 


Funny thing about these radio spots - they both glow in the dark, which is a lot more than we can say about most billboards. And everyone knows that for marketing content to be effective, it needs to give off a creepy, yellow visual buzz. Scott wrote the copy and then set it on fire out of disgust. He also provided both voices, but secretly wanted to add a third. 


We don't need to tell you that life can be hard when you spend so much time buried in a riverbed or the ocean sand. 

No, you're not going to be especially popular when your best asset is a powerful burrowing foot. 

And yes, when your lifespan could range from one year to 500 years, it's tough to make realistic financial plans. 

But, look - we can't help it that you're a clam. 

So, just waddle over to the video play button below, give it a nudge with your shell and listen to this Humor On Hold production that Scott wrote and both Amy and Scott recorded. 

Oh. That's right. 

You don't have any ears. 

Hmmm. Well...

Two judges served on the 2023 MARCE Awards judging panel. 

We like judge #1. He awarded the BusinessVoice Humor On Hold production below with a Judge's Choice trophy and wrote this: 

"That was hysterical! I've got tears in my eyes I was laughing so much. The voices were spot on. They were so serious about what they were saying, which made it even funnier. I called my family to play it for them over the phone!"

We don't like judge #2. He didn't give us an award and he didn't write nice things. He must be mean, which is why he probably doesn't have a family that he could call and play our production for. We'll bet he doesn't even own a phone and that he hates puppies and America. He also seems like the type of guy who might eat generic mayonnaise and be covered in festering boils. Just a hunch, though. 

Scott wrote the copy. Amy and Scott provided the voiceover. Amy made a voodoo doll of judge #2 out of cornhusks and old rags. Scott threw it off a nearby cliff. 

Listening to the radio is fun, but only when the commercials are on!

No one likes music and DJs are loaded with STDs, but commercial stop sets? Yeah, that's where it's at, baby! Free records? No thanks! Contests? Who needs 'em? Commercials, like these two for D&F Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, are why radio is so much cooler than billboards, and you know it's true, daddy-o.

Dig Scott's copy and voiceover.  


The problem with this whole life thing, of course, is that it can end at any time. No notice. No warning. One minute you're on the couch eating a donut and the next minute a crate of bowling balls slides out of the cargo hold of a passing jetliner, kablooeys through your roof and hits you square in the hat, leaving you no time to regret not listening to this BusinessVoice Humor On Hold production for Lakeland Auto and Marine. 

So, put down the maple log and listen to this audio now before it's too late. You'll thank us later. 

Scott wrote the copy, provided the voiceover and - while we can't say for certain - he may have unlocked the plane's cargo door earlier in this story, just to help you get your priorities straight. 

Chris Hamann, President of Lakeland, emailed these comments: "I love it! Where do you come up with this stuff? It's fantastic!" But he used the sarcasm font, so we're not sure what to think. 

If your pipes have burst or your toilet's clogged or there's sewer gas backin' up into your home, you probably should deal with your plumbing fiasco first and then listen to this BusinessVoice Humor On Hold production for Downey Plumbing Heating Cooling and Electric. 

But it's your call. 

Scott co-wrote the copy with Cassandra Evans while up to their knees in basement flood water. He and Amy provided the voiceover while juggling monkey wrenches. 


We're not suggesting that you can't live without these radio spots - that, like, you will literally stop living if you don't listen to them.

But what if that were true? 

Seems a shame to throw away whatever life you have left just because you didn't want to take one minute to check out these BusinessVoice radio spots that Scott wrote and voiced. 

But we understand. You've got more important things to do, right?

Have a great day.

Oh, and good luck to ya'.